If you attempt to refill a bic lighter with a can of butane and seal it with a push pin USE CAUTION

5 months ago

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Your life and Your choices and I am NOT trying to get you to try this but, If you do try this "lighter hack" PLEASE BE CAREFUL 🤔

Just because you watched a video doesn't mean all the dangers were pointed out, plus there's always that "hazardous wildcard" you never saw coming 😲

I tried the refilling of a bic lighter and all went well doing a few lighters until the one that made me stop doing it and rethink how I was doing it and I will say next time I will use MORE CAUTION because lighters aren't supposed to throw a flame from that end 🤪

One more danger not mentioned but should be obvious is there is now a pin holding in GAS UNDER PRESSURE, DON'T PLAY WITH IT or LET OTHERS PLAY WITH IT, heavy duty tape can be used under tack against lighter for a better seal when you press it back in and/or GLUE IT IN PLACE to keep others from playing with it, BE SAFE, KEEP OTHERS SAFE 😇

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