Article 4523 Video - In Memorium - Tuesday, December 5, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 4523 Video - In Memorium - Tuesday, December 5, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Yesterday, Sunday, December 3, 2023, my Sister and only sibling died. She was 81.

We were named after our respective Grandmothers, Emma after my Father's Mother, who died when he was just 18, and I, after my Mother's Mother, the Founder of Rat Watch, who was 74 at the time of my birth.

These names were odd and antique, far outside the fast lane of fashion at the time. We carried them, grumbling, because we knew we were namesakes.

We were named after good women and we were expected to become good women ourselves. The family joke was that a girl had to look good, smell good, and be good --- not necessarily in that order.

I complained about this requirement to my Father.

It was not, he explained, such a terrible fate to uphold a standard of goodness in the world. If it were not for wives and mothers, sisters and odd aunties and cousins, he assured me, we'd all shortly devolve into a species of ambush hunters, devoid of higher values and little better than weasels.

So, our primary role in life, I gathered, was to be a guardian against weasel-dom.

I had to think about that, but as the years went by and my older Sister grew up before my eyes, I had a fine example of good character, beauty, and fastidious hygiene to follow. Emma was nearly six feet tall, and a "stunner". Literally.

It took a very brave man to ask her out, but one finally did. He was a Swedish rancher who grew up on the edge of the Great Plains, and he was that rare thing, a true gentleman. Competent, quiet, and kind, Don Johnson was like my Sister in heart, faithful and enduring. Together, they set out on life's journey and a marriage that would last over sixty years.

They were quiet people and they lived a quiet life, raising their children and their gardens, helping their neighbors, and loving their menagerie of pets.

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