NFSC Sources Reveal CCP Intensifying Iran Uranium Enrichment Towards War Grade

5 months ago

01/02/2024 Nicole on Stinchfield Tonight: The New Federal State of China has confirmed from our sources within the CCP that Iran has been ramping up its uranium enrichment close to the war grade. We know that Iran doesn't have the capacity to produce uranium so quickly and relies on supplies from the CCP. And I want to emphasize again that Xi Jinping has been conducting military exercises in Xinjiang and Guizhou Province to prepare for the military attack against Taiwan.
01/02/2024 妮可做客Stinchfield Tonight:新中国联邦从中共内部的消息来源确认,伊朗已将其铀浓缩程度提高到接近战争级别。我们知道伊朗没有如此快速生产铀的能力,而是依赖中共的供应。此外,值得强调的是习近平一直在新疆和贵州进行军事演习,为武力攻台做准备。

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