Defence Minister Paul Hellyer said Nazis Rule the US Military

8 months ago

Paul Hellyer died at age 98, on Aug. 8, 2021. In his last video to the world he said that Nazis took over the US reverse engineering of UFOs so they are now the highest power in the recent history of the world's military. In the video below, Hellyer says that a few thousand of these white supremacists should not be allowed to decide the fate of billions of lives.
Liberation! The Economics of Hope
Go to 21:53 to hear these laughably stupid remarks.

Ya right, Nazi's are running things! Nothing could be further from the truth. If that where true why are they allowing Jews to run everything on the planet, and at the same time why are they declaring war on white people, and why have they made the idea of thinking Hitler and Nazis are the most evil thing that ever existed, in all entertainment media since WWII, while they promote Communism which the Nazi's where at war with?! What a joke!

Liberal MP Paul Hellyer was Canada's Minister of National Defense in the mid 1960s.

In this video Brian Ruhe discusses Paul Hellyer's good and brave contributions to the truth of ufology and at 6:00 Paul Fromm talks about Paul's political mistake of unifying Canada's armed forces. We try to give a balanced memorial of who, Paul Fromm describes as "a great man but a flawed man".

Since his death, Brian now reveals Paul Hellyer's wariness of international Jewish power's B'nai Brith, which Paul Hellyer kindly shared in his emails to Brian, seen in this video. Here is one:

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: great to see you last night Paul!
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2016 12:55:44 -0500
From: <>
To: Brian Ruhe <>

Dear Brian Ruhe,

Thank you very much for your note of November 2nd.

I never mention either names or races with the single exception of David Rockefeller, who has admitted in his memoirs that he is working toward a world government and proud of it. It is the policy that I want to change and not be verbal or squeamish that is self-defeating, especially when the B’nai Brith is involved. You are a living example of the risks involved.

At the same time we can tell the truth about the policies and the fact that they are in many cases fraud, which has to be exposed and eliminated. That is a goal that over the years has been pursued.

With every best wish.

Paul Hellyer

In this 2014 interview with Russia Today, Paul Hellyer was established as the only G8 cabinet minister in history, to tell the big truth that UFOs and aliens are real and here on earth.
'Aliens could share more tech with us, if we warmonger less' - Former Canada Defense Minister - YouTube

Thank you to Fred for video editing.

Paul Fromm has been the Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression since 1983. CAFE is dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity. The website can be found at
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Paul lives in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and you can contact him at .

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