Article 4513 Video - Amnesty - Thursday, November 30, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

9 months ago

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Article 4513 Video - Amnesty - Thursday, November 30, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

The only entity having the ability to extend actual State Immunity (Amnesty) to individuals who have been accomplices to crimes against us in international and global jurisdictions of the law, is our unincorporated Federation of States, The United States of America.

Joe Biden, the "President" of a foreign Municipal Corporation operating out of Washington, DC, can only provide protection from prosecution by the White House Office, Inc., and whatever franchises it may have.

Imagine being held harmless by the SPCA.

The claims of the DC Municipality to be an independent international city state are fraudulent; they don't own and were not granted the land they have occupied in breach of trust, fraud, and violation of their use permit. So good luck with them being able to cover any butts including their own.

The same is true of Donald J. Trump and the United States of America, Inc. and any new iterations thereof.

Ditto, ditto any "Planetary Global Alliance".

Nobody, but nobody, can forgive anything "for" us

Nobody and nothing can protect the offenders, but those they have betrayed and offended.

It's easy to see why.

If I step on your foot, whose foot has been injured?


Can your Cousin forgive me for your injury?


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