Dream-America Split- Water

4 months ago

Dream-America Split-Water

December 30th, 2023

Father Ephraim: Mm. Ok. What is your first question?

Mother Clare: The second dream that you had-What was it about?

Father Ephraim: The second dream was something that I have seen for months, probably the last couple of years now, but especially this last year. You all have heard it, parts of it, where, well it-I just recorded the segment on England, and like, the Earth was regenerating, and people groups were in different places, and you could not describe or find any continental country that you recognized.

Mother Clare: Huh.

Father Ephraim: From out-you know I would zoom in, and then I would be like out, looking at the globe.

Mother Clare: But it was green, right?

Father Ephriam: But it was so green, so green. And it seemed that it had been that way for some time, because there were weeds growing in places, you know, yeah, when I did the earlier tape, the first segment, the first and second-you will pick that up. So, now there is a little segway in between.

Mother Clare: Ok.

Father Ephraim: And the segway, the hook up with the dreams is, I kept seeing cargo going down this enormous, you know, divide, in the North American continent, you know, Canada, America, all the way down where the glaciers had melted, that kind of thing.

Mother Clare: Hm.

Father Ephraim: And I talked a little bit with Little Mother about this. But I saw cargo going down the river on these kind of grayish, kind of-I do not know what kind of material that they used to make them but obviously the Western part of what used to be America, you know we all had to kind of rebuild or whoever was there, even the quote, unquote armies and people like that, they did not just magically have all of their equipment and high tech stuff. They had what was left after a war-

Mother Clare: Wow.

Father Ephraim: And they were rebuilding and trying to come back from that. Even though-

Mother Clare: Hang on a minute.

Father Ephraim: There was an internal war, in America, in the United States. So, as we moved-as I moved, just-I found myself here, there, wherever-and things were coming back and they were green but there was this great divide, this great river in the middle, that had come down from melted glaciers, heating, water intrusions, whatever, and even the plates shifting and pushing, plates pushing away from each other.

Mother Clare: Huh.

Father Ephraim: And water goes to the lowest place, so it is going to fill that in. Basically, it was, you know, which you have heard before, what was left of the Eastern states in the United States, or the East Coast, coming in right about to where the edge of the Mississippi, largest river where it was.

Mother Clare: Mm-hm.

Father Ephraim: But because of the Earth changes-Tectonic, you know-

Mother Clare: Mm-hm.

Father Ephraim: Volcanoes, earthquakes, war, whatever-the United States of America was just different. The Western part was larger, and the Eastern part was smaller, with our main Mississippi River and its other rivers and tributaries-

Mother Clare: Mm-hm.

Father Ephraim: Just overflowed and changed the whole landscape.

Mother Clare: Wow.

Father Ephraim: And mountains literally had come down, valleys were filled in-I did not see any mountains except the-

Mother Clare: Rockies.

Father Ephraim: Except the ones where the refuges are around the world that were somehow protected from all this kind of stuff. So, anyway, remnants of mountains, I would say-

Mother Clare: Hm.

Father Ephraim: And uh-

Mother Clare: Are the Rockies still there? The Rocky Mountains?

Father Ephraim: Just-no, not, not as we know them.

Mother Clare: Really?

Father Ephraim: Yeah, just the southern-southern part-

Mother Clare: Mm.

Father Ephraim: Of the Rocky Mountain range. There had been so much activity, earth changes, you name it-

Mother Clare: Mm-hm.

Father Ephraim: And then war on top of that. And then a civil war in this-you know it became the Republic–

Mother Clare: Mm-hm.

Father Ephraim: And the Eastern part was called the Union.

Mother Clare: Hm.

Father Ephraim: The Republic-

Mother Clare: Mm.

Father Ephraim: The New Republic, by the way-of the United States-

Mother Clare: Wow.

Father Ephraim: And the Eastern Union, which they still called the United States, and back and forth.

Mother Clare: The New Wake Republic of America, probably, huh?

Father Ephraim: Mmmmm, yeah, yeah, yeah, I am just-I am struggling for words here, but yeah.

Mother Clare: Ok.

Father Ephraim: New Republic of America, Eastern Union of, whatever, the United States-there was a definite divide. It was not like our last Civil War, you know, The Rebels and the Yankees, of the North and the South, this was like-huge. And there was a lot of busy activity going up and down the rivers, downriver, and then up against the current, like the smaller boats and things, and they were carrying cargo back and forth but a lot of it was kind of on rafts, rafted-these little barges–

Mother Clare: Mm-hm.

Father Ephraim: Bucks that look like they had been loaded, and you could tell, they were ammunitions, the remnants of what they had of tanks and military equipment or whatever, you know, shipping them downriver, and then bringing food and supplies back upriver from the southern part of where this big water divide was.

Mother Clare: Hm.

Father Ephraim: And I remember now clearly, this is one of those experiences you have in a dream, you are there, you really can smell it, feel it, you are there. It was like the clouds-

Mother Clare: Mm-hm.

Father Ephraim: Thank you again for being with us, see you next time.

Mother Clare: Mm.

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