The 7 Deadly Sins as Described in Proverbs 6:16-19

5 months ago

Proverbs 6:16-19 lists seven deadly sins that are abominable to God:
1) Haughty Eyes: Being arrogant, filled with pride, and selfishness.
2) A Lying Tongue: Speaking deceit, with lips that don't align with truth.
3) Hands that Shed Innocent Blood: Committing acts of violence and hatred.
4) A Heart that Devises Wicked Plans: Planning evil and rebelling against God.
5) Feet that Make Haste to Run to Evil: Actively pursuing and committing evil deeds.
6) A False Witness who Breathes out Lies: Speaking deceit and lacking honesty.
7) One who Sows Discord Among Brothers: Causing trouble and controversy among people.

This message highlights that these sins are condemned by God and carry severe consequences. It emphasizes humanity's collective guilt, as everyone has been involved in some form of these sins. However, it also stresses the redemptive aspect, noting that through Christ's love and sacrifice, there's a chance for forgiveness and reconciliation with God. Lastly, it encourages holy living because God is holy and detests sin.

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