Armor Up Christians for 2024 We're at War! Can You Vote Democrat & Go to Heaven?

1 year ago

This vital message will help prepare you for what is coming in 2024. There is a brief intro wheere we declare the Truth that Jesus is the Great I Am! Thanks to Debbie who appears at the beginning of the intro and helps lead worship. Then Linda and Isabel who are two Prophetesses in our Church are seen as we pray for Revival after their prophetic words of encouragement (which unfortunately the audio did not pick up clear enough to include in this video); then I share a piece of my testimony about how Money can’t make you Happy! Then this vital message begins.
Wait until you hear what I say about people who vote Democrat!
If this video Blessed you Spiritually, Please ask God if He would like you to bless financially Pastor Jim Alderdice’s Gospel Preaching Ministry with a Seed as God Leads, securely via our Church – New Life Worship Center:
Thank You & I Pray “The LORD God increase you a thousand times more and bless you as He has promised you!” – Deut. 1:11
Pastor Jim Alderdice
New Life Worship Center

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