Five New Members Join BRICS Bloc

1 year ago

01/03/2024 DW News: Five new members join BRICS bloc, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Ethiopia, UAE, as well as Egypt. And the obvious explanation is that they look towards Asia and in particular, they look towards China as a major purchaser of their oil. They don't want to be just subscribed under a Western-led rules-based order. They want to have their order.
01/03/2024 德国之声:金砖集团新增五个成员国,分别为沙特、伊朗、阿联酋、埃及和埃塞俄比亚。原因很明显,他们是冲着亚洲,特别是中共国能够成为他们石油的主要买家。他们不想屈从于西方规则主导的秩序,他们想要拥有自己的秩序。

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