Dolly Parton Sings and Gets Covid Vaccine

5 months ago

Dolly Parton Sings and Gets Covid Vaccine

March 3, 2021

"The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense." ~Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, said in 2021

"The threat of a global pandemic, whether it emerges naturally or is "engineered" was perhaps the biggest risk to humanity." ~Melinda Gates, in 2018

"A global pandemic is ON IT'S WAY. An ENGINEERED VIRUS is humanities greatest threat. This will happen in the NEXT DECADE." ~Bill Gates, in 2018

"Humankind has never had a more urgent task than creating broad immunity for coronavirus. It's going to require a global cooperative effort like the world has never seen. But I know we'll get it done. There's simply no alternative. ~Bill Gates, April 30, 2020

"The vaccines don't have much in the way of duration, and they're not good at infection blocking." ~Bill Gates, said in 2022

"We also need to fix the three problems of vaccines. The current vaccines are not infection-blocking. They're not broad, so when new variants come up you lose protection, and they have very short duration, particularly in the people who matter, which are old people." ~Bill Gates, said in 2023

"We didn't understand that it's a fairly low fatality rate [Covid] and that it's a disease mainly in the elderly, kind of like flu is, although a bit different than that." ~Bill Gates

"I'd like either President Biden or President Trump to explain the lockdowns to us. That was a 16 trillion dollars mistake. We shifted 4 trillion dollars in wealth from the middle class in this country to the super rich. The lockdowns created a billionaire a day." ~Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

"They only thing Bill Gates cares about is depopulation." ~Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis

"In a @TEDTalks in 2010, the eugenicist Bill Gates said that vaccines could be an important factor to decrease the global population. I wonder why he coincidentally invested in both: Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna in 2019." ~Dr. Simon Goddek

On March 3, 2021, Country music legend Dolly Parton briefly changed the words of her tune 'Jolene,' singing 'vaccine vaccine' before receiving a COVID vaccination shot.

She has officially received what they say was the Covid-19 vaccine on video as she encouraged her fans to not be a "COWARD" about the shot.

The world-renown musician previously donated $1 million to Moderna for their vaccine development efforts.

Dolly, 75, received the shot while on camera today as she encouraged her MILLIONS of fans to follow suit and get VACCINATED.

The singer joked with her followers while maintaining a serious message as she "got a dose of her own medicine" of the very Moderna shot that she helped fund.

The country music singer sat, as she gave a detailed message on how everyone should reserve a spot for the vaccine.

"I'm finally going to get my vaccine! I'm so excited!" she gushed.

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