Trump Reads Prophetic Snake Poem

11 months ago

During the 2016 United States presidential election, Donald Trump read the lyrics of a popular song entitled "The Snake" at several of his campaign rallies in order to illustrate his position on illegal immigration. He prophetically warned us that the Woketard Left's decision to allow people who were claiming "refugee" status to enter the United States [en masse] as Obama was doing would "come back to bite us", just like what happened to the woman in this poem who took a snake into her home, knowing full well that it was a dangerous, unpredicatable creature. Guess what? Looking back over the four years since Obiden stole the 2020 Election, Trump's warning has become prophecy fulfilled. Since 2021, over 20,000 unvetted illegal aliens have poured through America's bleeding Southern border. Over 80% of these aliens are military age (Leftist) men who left their families behind in their countries of origin. Real refugees never leave their families behind when their fleeing war or tyranny, folks. After all, would you? No. Of course not. This men are a Globalist Trojan Horse positioning itself for the final takedown of America.
Freedom Movement Nanifesto

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