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How Did This Happen?!

1 year ago

Senate staffer Aidan Maese-Czeropski was caught making a gay sex tape in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing room in the Hart Senate Office Building in Washington D.C. This should have been a massive story covered for a week, but it was shoved under the rug after just a few hours. I want to know how this was allowed to happen.

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  • 0/2000
  • Until we have military Tribunals and Swift Executions and Imprisonment of all these Treasonous Tyrant fucks, nothing will change and will get worse for every patriot and dumb fuck lefttards

  • I want to know who was on the bottom it takes two to f*** two of them should be in jail

  • Yay welcome back Candace!!!

  • To anyone reading this comment, please, strongly consider contacting your congressperson and urge them to support HR 934. This is a resolution that calls for the US government to drop all charges against Julian Assange. Assange has been unfairly, (and in my opinion criminally), persecuted for simply doing his job as a journalist. That is bringing truth to light. Too many years of his life have been stolen and there is no way to make up for that. But dropping the ludicrous charges against him and allowing him to be released from the hellhole of the prison he is being held captive in is the least he deserves. Please, even if like me you don’t have confidence in the government and it’s processes, for the sake of decency, call and or write your congress critter and respectfully but firmly request that they support H.R. 934 by voting in favor of it and by encouraging their colleagues to join them. Its the least we can do for a man who has sacrificed so much. Thank you and may God bless you.

  • America has become the vanguard of perversion.

  • It's the Synagogue Of Satan which means "THEY"

  • They are all in on it. Ask Matt Cawthorne

  • It seems this pervert has learned well how to deny and be offended by the reaction of others of HIS ACTIONS! Criminal actions in a sacred government space, the same space j6 patriots ROT IN JAIL OVER WAY LESS!

  • This levelheaded young woman continues to try to make sense when it comes to Democrats and the Liberal left. That will never happen.☹️

  • I really hope that TikTok woman or whatever doesn’t have a job with control over other people.

    1 like
  • I saw that gay page posting another video on YT where he says the homeless people there (where ever he is, I can't remember) are sexy. WTF?

    1 like
  • It’s deplorable! What’s not though is your adorable dress. Your glowing! Congratulations mama!

    1 like
  • the poison in our food is turning them gay . its not normal

    1 like
  • Im very happy we have a srto g voice, on a good streaming channel, great content, and intelligent! Ty for the truth and co e sense Shout entire Daily Wire

    1 like
  • right, someone needs to be held accountable, like the cocaine

    1 like