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Travel While You Can...No Regrets

1 year ago

Don’t get to the end of your life and have the same regrets that many seniors say they have. Karl Pillemer, a gerontologist at Cornell, interviewed 1700 seniors for two books he wrote, called ’30 Lessons for Living’ and ’30 Lessons for Loving’. When Karl asked interviewees what their greatest regrets were, not traveling early or often enough was the most popular answer. Similarly, the British Heart Foundation, in their research, also found that ‘not traveling enough’ was one of people’s biggest regrets.
The takeaway: Travel is one of the things most people dream about, but don’t do enough of. If you’re a senior, and not having enough money to take those dream vacations has been your excuse, you might want to listen in. Homeowners who are 62 or older that have enough equity, can tap into a portion of that money without creating a mortgage payment. That money can be used for anything, like taking that trip, buying that RV, inviting the entire family to Hawaii. It’s called a reverse mortgage. It’s an ingenious way to tap into a portion of your home’s equity without having a mortgage payment.
Maybe trading some of your home’s equity for life-long memories and experiences is worth it? I think there are a whole host of seniors who would tell you, YES…do it!!!
Call us for details…let’s get your planning and packing.
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