Emergency Management Associates 4TH JAN 2024

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           Emergency Management Associates

        SE. 10 PM -9 PM UK - 1PM PACIFIC - 3 PM CENTRAL - 4 PM EASTERN

Ron Tyler has been doing Preparedness Work on the air full time on YouTube since 2019. Ron Tyler has been involved in First Response and in the Ron assisted in disaster drills throughout the United States since 2014.Preparedness arena for years. Since the early 1980’s Ron Tyler has been working to make sure people are prepared for whatever comes there way. He assisted his parents doing survival dinners where they went to church. Ron has lived in earthquake country, where quite a few large earthquakes hit San Diego in the state of California. he still lives in Earthquake country in North Carolina in the United States. Ron Tyler started Emergency Management Associates as a way to prepare people for coming emergencies and disasters. He was a First Responder Police Officer responding to calls from the pubiic, search and rescue and training people. Ron has set up emergency command posts during fire seasons in the mountains of southern California and in Colorado.. Having been a volunteer fireman and then a Police Officer, Ron knows what needs to be done and has done it. Ron and the crews have saved many people’s lives. Ron has spoken to hundreds of community groups, helped organize Emergency Preparedness Fairs where he has lived. Through his travels Ron has met hundreds of people and is valued in those communities and continues to work and lecture people on the complex work of Emergency/Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management.
Ron has spent 24 years in Law Enforcement, and has an extensive background in Law Enforcement and tactics. Ron’ career was spent in homicide, traffic accident investigation and weapons and tactics and personal/executive protection and Emergency Management.

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