Alcohol In The Life Of The Believer-NOW THE END BEGINS-JAN 3 2023

1 year ago

Christianity has a number of what we could rightly call 'age-old questions', things that Christians have been debating for the past two thousand years. One of these 'perplexing riddles' is the subject of the drinking and consumption of alcohol in the life of the New Testament, age of grace, blood washed and born again believer. The Bible makes a number of statements about alcohol that apply in every dispensation, so between that and what our apostle Paul has to say about it, I am pretty sure we can come to an agreement on at least what the Bible declares to be true about drinking. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, since this is our first Bible study of 2024, I thought we'd kick it off with this highly-controversial subject of Christians and alcohol. You will note, however, that the only reason it's controversial is because most Christians don't take what the Bible says about these matters to heart. You will also notice that in the main graphic for this article, I have used an image of the Roman Catholic split-beard 'Jesus' offering the beer, because the actual Jesus of the Bible wouldn't do that, and never did that. You can't show me one time where Jesus ever got anyone drunk or even a little 'buzzed'. He would have to violate His own scripture to do it. Tonight you will hear, some of you for the first time, what the Bible actually says about the drinking of alcohol. I will also share with you some of the highlights, and lowlights, in my own lifelong battle with alcohol and hope it will be a blessing to you.

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