Article 4494 Video - On the Other Side of GITMO - Saturday, November 25, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

8 months ago

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Article 4494 Video - On the Other Side of GITMO - Saturday, November 25, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

We have been regaled by The Adventures in Military Justice novels since they were first being penned by Mr. Baxter, recounting the detailed courtroom dramas as all the villains we love to hate meet their nemesis, Adm. Darse Crandall, and the unnamed three-members of the various military tribunals called to contemplate the fate of such black-hearted pirates as Bill Gates and Bill Clinton.

Now we are being told that a whole new 200-bed prison facility has been constructed on the Island of Guam just to hold the guilty members of the Mainstream Media who promoted the phony vaccine narrative and profited from it.

Those who have followed along with the story of Gitmo and later, Fort Blaz, may have been wondering why all these reported prosecutions are taking place offshore in "US Territories and Possessions"?

It's because the Military Tribunals are Territorial Tribunals and they have to take place in the Territories or Possessions against Territorial Officers. They have no jurisdiction in the actual States and no authority related to the average Americans living in the States.

Bet its a mind-blower to think of Oprah Winfrey as a "Territorial Officer", but if she ever mistakenly identified herself as a "Taxpayer" on a 1040, she is still on the books as a British Merchant Marine Warrant Officer --- a volunteer tax collector for the British Monarch, who is considered to be exactly such a Territorial Officer.

That's enough to guarantee her or anyone else a seat at Gitmo or Fort Blaz or any similar location--- assuming that they haven't realized their mistake and corrected it and their "Birth Certificates" as well.

People often ask if I believe any of these prosecutions and executions are actually taking place? Do I believe in all the cloning talk? Do I believe that JFK is still alive? Princess Di....?

Hey, it's cheap entertainment.

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