11 months ago

EXCESS DEATHS AMONG THE VAXXED: how much longer can this horror story be suppressed? When will the Vaxxed realize that excess deaths are ONLY HAPPENING TO THE VAXXED? When will the Vaxxed realize they are a time bomb with a lit fuse & a short shelf life? When will the Vaxxed Wake Up enough to even fight back against those that killed their family & friends and are killing them right now? The Vaxxed are going to die without knowing who murdered them, and no chance for PAY BACK or REVENGE. No justice for the brainwashed Sheeple. Patriots are still fighting back about mask wearing, social distancing, PCR testing, and job loss for not taking the jabs, while the Vaxxed Normies are still clueless THEY HAVE BEEN SUICIDED. The real elephant in the room that few will talk about is the JEWISH GLOBALIST COMMUNIST SATANIC CABAL ✡️ who runs the Deep State Shadow Government, Big Pharma, and Fake Mainstream Media. If people WILL NOT focus the spotlight on the REAL problem ✡️, then nothing can ever be fixed or prevented from reoccuring over & over again or getting even worse in the future.

The Covid mRNA Injection is the Mark of the Beast (MOTB). First of all, the injection (not a vaccine) changes your DNA using CRISPR Technology and turning the jabbed people into a patented Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) known as a BORG (aka Homoborgenisus). The injection also puts LUCIFERase in their body so that it glows under a blue/black/purple light for easy identification. Lastly, through the process known as TRANSHUMANISM, they put graphene oxide inside the jab (aka nanotechnology), when exposed to electrical frequencies, assembles into transmitters and creates a Bluetooth Address in the vaxxed people. They can then be tracked, their data can be uploaded into & downloaded from the cloud within the Internet of Bodies and the Internet of Things, and this system is capable of allowing or disallowing them to participate in the New World Order commerce using digital currencies. Even after death, when electrical frequencies from a cell phone gets near the corpse, the dead body will still produce a Bluetooth Address for Connection. Unknown MAC Addresses are coming from the people that took the MOTB and are now Borgs. You can look up any product with a registered MAC Address right here. https://maclookup.app/

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