1/3/2024 - Government KILL or ERADICATION operations Timeline - Part 1

5 months ago

Family and Governament EXTERMINATion/ERADICATOPM operations based on FAMILY and GOVERNMENT profiling
starting at the age 5 years old in PURE biggeted racist hate me with WORLDWIDE Eradication operations.

LAPD CLAIMS I'm making a PLANET of STRANGERS hunt me since I was 5 years old.

At the around 1977 my father snapped, for unknown reasons around the time our show dog Oppo bit Jason Perelman, my brother in the face. This was the point where my father decided he liked the dog more then he liked me and decided that for some reason, I needed to be locked away or removed from the general population and away from everyone else.

I was not aware this was going on until the age of 29, while met with the Mike Huntley DEATH THREATS with Child Rapist PD, notcing an ENRAGED planet of strangers hunting me since then.

LAPD is trying to CLAIM that I'm somehow MAKING a planet of STRANGERS to hunt me since 5 years old to ERADICATE ME, in a mass WORLDWIDE Conspiracy to Commit Murder or ERADICATE campaign at all costs for the last 46 years.

To my disbelief, I couldn't comprehend or believe what was going on, or WHY it is going on, realizing it was and is going on. Still to this day. Daily, minute by minute of 95 percent of the WORLD.

Mike Huntley's DEATH THREATS with Child Rapist PD, and most Government Agencies was

"World of Paranoia", while dropping papers on my desk how to make people mentally ill in South Korea and Kill them, "Have a good life know", "I've given you enough rope to hang yourself with", "We are using the system against you", LAPD system to lock me away for no reason. "You are out of control for California"

And many other direct statements in our office Signet e Services Mike Huntley wanted to start so bad with me after mentioning to Darrel Oon a Singapore Exchange student in University Of Colorado about my father putting sock collars on his dog Rhoda, a Rodisian Ridgeback. Also naming her Rhoda, from the movie "The bad seed" in the 50's.

With schizofrenia hints, that I am like the evil murdering child from that movie working with Kelly Hatch told to follow me from Calabasas High, up to Southern Oregan State College and work on me with the "CRY WOLF" tactic so many have been doing since I was 5 years old. With the Police to lock me away for no actual reason.

And lame delusional arguments from my family that I'm fill with anger and wired incorectly with their cheesy psychology degree's from the Charles Manson family.

In this vieo blog I discuss some of the SPEFICS of their WORLDWIDE non stop daily activities that start at 5 years old based on facts and events to show the TIMELINE of their exponential campaign with the POLICE, GOVERNMENT, PSYCHOLOGY COMMUNITY, in OPERATIONS to eradicate me since 5 years old, and the types of FRMAE JOBS, SETUP attempts and GOVERNMENT EXTERMINATION methods that are used every day by the Populus.

While told I'm imagining and crazy. ESPECIALLY by CHILD RAPIST PD.

MAD at me for at me solely for ONE THING, My existence. Show a WORLDWIDE HATE CRIME against a 5 year old to KILL or ERADICATE me. Proving that the government does PROFILE, an FLAG people especially children they don't like to be REMOVED FROM SOCIETY for no reason other then their FEAR.

I have been HUNTED minute by minute with the populas, 4 to 7 billion anonymouse strangers exponentially growing since 5 years old and this includes. Elementry school teachers, middle school teachers, High School Teachers, College Professors.

Mental Illness labeling, every so called friend I ever had. And any stranger that comes in my life works on me with these Government PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE tacticsto COVER UP these ERADICATION operations.

This is a TIMELINE of a few of the bigger more obvious methods and People sent after me I was not aware was going on, in between the 100,00 to 1 million WORLDWIDE provokings per day to try to COVER THIS UP, to try to make me look like a VIOLENT PARANOID SCHITZOFRENIC, my father's ORIGINAL hate labels when I was 5 years old.

When he was mad he was given a child he just didn't want. And could not RETURN for a better one.


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