'KILLING THE JESUS GENE" by M. Glenn Baxter verses "UNSTOPPABLE US" by Yuval Noah Harari

1 year ago

"KILLING THE JESUS GENE" written by M. Glenn Baxter has excellent reviews based on 1 Million 596,954 views compared to World Economic Forum's Insane Israeli Yuval Noah Harari (Nazi Klaus Schwab Protege) New York Times Best Seller only gets 4.6 on 593 ratings. What is going on here? Baxter's book has not received a dime from Amazon while Harari is blessed by NYC Synagogue of Satan. Just goes to proves that Nazi Communist Amazon controls and rigs everything just like social Media Facebook. Baxter will soon be producing a more in-depth video comparing the contents in the two books. The Single Creator of all Life verses WEF Satan creator of Cyborgs and death to all life on earth. This is not science fiction, this is reality.

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