Article 4489 Video - Defective Product Recall -- Get Ready By Anna Von Reitz

6 months ago

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Article 4489 Video - Defective Product Recall -- Get Ready - Monday, November 20, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents

We are used to product recalls impacting everything from Mini-Blinds to automobiles, but what happens when the product being recalled is the world’s Reserve Currency?

The USD is being recalled for many reasons, not the least of which is that the corporation backing it is defunct and thanks to Mr. Obama, the World Reserve Currency has been so disastrously counterfeited it’s a joke outside this country.

US Treasuries are suffering the same fate for similar reasons; people finally figured out that these instruments were being issued by the IMF and are not really investments in or being backed by this country, despite appearances otherwise.

The Federal Reserve got a special Sweetheart Deal on these instruments, but when people realized they were buying European Debt under the guise of it being “American” debt , the investor market tanked.

Turns out that the Federal Reserve is as “Federal” as Federal Express and the IMF has been calling itself the “United States Treasury” since 1924— and nobody outside the top tier of the banking business was the wiser.

Forget the part about these names being used in a deliberately deceptive way to create false assumptions on the part of everyone who heard them. Forget the part about how these institutions unjustly enriched themselves by trading on the false assumptions these names engendered in the minds of investors.

How would you feel if you thought you were investing in California, and you found out you were investing in Greece, instead?

Or you were a Chinese business man who believed that you bought the Port of Long Beach, California— only to find out that foreigners can’t actually own land in this country?

These dishonest practices designed to deceive have made this country a pariah in the rest of the world, and yet, it's not our fault. This has all been done in our names by foreign, mostly British, actors.

The Military Cartel is about to launch its "Rainbow Currency" and the "US NOTE" backed by a new unknown "UNITED STATES CORPORATION" that is rumored to be a "UNITED NATIONS CORPORATION" franchise backed by Swiss banks. That would seem to be indicated by the LGBTQ overtones of the currency itself, and could be caused by a continuing misunderstanding about Jimmy Carter's limitations and the lack of authority attached to Executive Orders outside the USofA, Incorporated.

This is taking place against a background of forced theater hype and a parade ground atmosphere, as they prepare to also roll out their long-planned "Show" --- or rather, pricey propaganda narrative designed to make themselves look like heroes to the American Public, despite all the indicators otherwise for the past 160 years.

They are continuing their long established use of actors and body-doubles and theatrical illusions to fool the gullible public.

It's not for nothing that the "Companie of Merrie Men" -- the Bar Association -- first appeared as a theatre company in Britain during the reign of Elizabeth I and is still listed as a theater company now.

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