Article 4484 Video - International Public Claim -- Two Sides to Every Story By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 4484 Video - International Public Claim -- Two Sides to Every Story - Friday, November 17, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Yesterday, we reviewed the situation at the end of the American Civil War, how it opened up a vacuum of power that our foreign governmental services subcontractors sought to exploit under conditions of secrecy, and how that led to further corruption, wrong-doing, abuse, and misrepresentation of average Americans and their peaceful civilian government.

We ended by asking Andrew Bailey, the director in charge of the Bank of England, to return the $33 Trillion Dollars in gold, plus interest, which is the corpus of the Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty Trust established by the Government of Spain for the benefit of the seven (7) Western States ultimately transferred to The United States by Spain.

The trust began as a traditional government bond program during the days when Spain claimed the land and soil of these beneficiary States of the Union.

The bonds were issued with the proviso that the holders could redeem them as land or as gold.

Once Spain lost the land interest, the bonds could only be redeemed in gold. To close out its obligations with respect to their administration, the Spanish Government allocated gold bullion sufficient to pay off the bonds and established the Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty Trust in the Bank of Mexico.

The Spanish Government realized that our actual government was not in Session, and did not trust the political status of the States nor the Municipal Corporations acting "as" the United States, Inc. and the United States of America, Inc., and even The United States of America, Inc.

Indeed, the political status of the Western States remained at issue for decades, waiting for the actual Americans to declare their political status, raise their State Assemblies, bring their government into Session and finally enroll the Western States as States of the Union.

This was finally accomplished as of the first of October 2020. All the years prior the Western States existed under Territorial Statehood -- or as we called them, "States-in-Waiting". They are now States of the Union, and fully empowered.

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