Hear Ye Hear Ye

8 months ago

Happy New Year= Time to get off this Roman Cult Gregorian Calendar Wheel
rat race bullshit
y'all $elling out for fake a$$ fiat money
mere paper
a debt note
a promise to pay
fractionalized banking
sellout motherfuckerz
Time to Wake Up!
To the fraud being perpetrated against you
And to think that all of the wars and all of these Municipalities and Principalities that persuaded mankind to build her/his own prison
and all for fake ass debt note$
promise to pay
Ponzi scheme created by the Vatican=Controlled by the City of London
Lloyd$ of London who
are responsible for the insurance of the errors & omissions of all of these fraudulently created STATE OF STATES corporations having DUNS#! All fraudulent system$ for which BarClays is part.

Article 1 section 10 clause 1: The s/State shall coin nothing but silver and gold as tender and payment of debt!

All debt is the obligation of the United States

We the People are the true creditor and We refused any Bills of credit
via Article 1 section 10 clause 1: No Bills of Credit, no Bills of Attainder
= no peonage!
Gold & Siver Only!

We the People have the Power to Restore Our Republic!

Our only remedy is obvious.

Thank you William Henshall for your constant research and sharing of truth in your findings

You can find Bill at "Win in Court" on Youtube:

I am happy to help spread the word that two learned People in law and history
can have varying views and still stand together in Unity as Americans!

Federal Question: " Where in law does it state that the body is held hostage as surety to mature the bond?

Federal Question: What benefit does using the Person possess if the wo/man does not control and or prosper from it?

Federal Question: When did the People intelligently, knowingly and willingly consent & agree to Civil Law?

Federal Question: Prove the People within the STATE OF:
answer: There are only PERSONS in the State of New York

There are People, within New York state.

Know the difference!

Federal Question : How does working for a company and or corporation negate one's National Origin?

Time to use some common sense folks!

We are Our solution

We are the Militia!

We are the author of Law!



Thank you Bill & Happy Republic in 2024!

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