"Sundown" (2022) Directed by Michel Franco

1 year ago

Tim Roth at his laconic, existential best.

Sundown is director Michel Franco’s 7th directorial stint behind the camera, and a strange one it is too with much to admire. No spoilers here, as ever, but here’s a brief capsule review to hopefully whet your appetite to see this intriguing film, or indeed see it again:

An apparently wealthy English family are enjoying an ultra luxurious holiday on the clifftops overlooking Acapulco and are in the very lap of luxury with their own private apartment, clifftop swimming pool and the very opposite of the bustling seaside metropolis below. An unexpected death in the family ends their holiday abruptly but a lost passport means the Patriarch of the family has to remain behind and in keeping with his developing character on screen, he takes up residence in the busy local streets of Acapulco rather than the luxury world just minutes away. Cloaked in anonymity and wrapped up within his own existential thoughts, is he experiencing a mid-life crisis, unable to comprehend the familial death he’s running away from, or is it far, far worse?

The above opening paragraphs are taken from my original spoiler free review of "Sundown" originally penned and published to my Medium blog site on 6th June 2022 and can be read in full and for free (please also consider subscribing for free too!) via my Substack blog site and original article linked immediately below:


This spoiler free review is also contained within volume 5 of my 7 volumes of "essential film reviews collection" (£4.99 per volume) or each and every volume can be read for free should you have an Amazon Kindle "Unlimited" package:

Volume 5


7 Volume collection


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