Remember the Sabbath Day - Exodus 20:8

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"Saturday Sabbatarians" are Christians and Messianics who keep the Sabbath on Saturday. In some cases that day may be seen as running from Friday evening to Saturday evening.

They usually believe in keeping the Ten Commandments, including the Sabbath, and that keeping all the commandments is a moral responsibility that honors, and shows love towards God as creator, sustainer, and redeemer.

The Saturday Sabbath Story is this: Saturday Sabbatarians assume that the days of the Roman Week are the same as day 1 through 7 of the original Creation Week, and that these days have been continually cycling, unbroken, since Creation. According to that logic they say, that makes Saturday, the 7th day of the Roman Week, the Sabbath Day.

Saturday Sabbatarians have also traditionally held that the apostate church formed when the Bishop of Rome began to dominate the west and brought heathen corruption and allowed pagan idol worship and beliefs to come in, and formed the Roman Catholic Church, which teaches traditions over Scripture, and to rest from their work on Sunday, instead of Saturday, which they feel is not in keeping with Scripture.

These beliefs raise certain questions. If pagan idol worship is wrong then why is it right to keep the Sabbath on Saturday? Both Sunday and Saturday are part of the Roman week that honors Roman gods. In latin Sunday is literally "the day of the Sun" and Saturday is literally "the day of Saturn." While to modern people the Sun and Saturn are merely celestial bodies, to the Romans they were gods. In fact, each day of the Roman week was established to honor a different Roman god. How could a system devised to honor false gods give us the correct day to keep the Sabbath?

Another question is this: What proof is there that Saturday has always been the same day of the week, going all the way back to Creation week? On the other hand, is there any proof that the days of the week were changed, even by the Jews, bringing Saturday Sabbath into doubt?

Lastly, if Saturday is disqualified by hard evidence, then what? Is it still possible to determine the correct day to keep the Sabbath, meaning the day that God Himself has set?

Hard facts are offered in this video to answer each of these vital questions.

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