Q&A on Charlie Ward Show: Dr Judy Mikovits, When did v….s stop being what they were intended to be?

1 year ago

(Clip from the full Q&A on the Charlie Ward Show: https://www.bitchute.com/video/I3zruUmf5HpN/)

DR JUDY MIKOVITS PhD: When cowpox was changed to the human smallpox? cowpox is what the milkmaids got on their hands, the pock marks, and that was a cow version of the agent. And so cow pox as the initial smallpox vaccination was not driving a human being around dying of smallpox. That's the humanized version and it killed people. So no, not any shot! No injection vaccination is not immunization it's extermination or sterilization. Immunization must be at mucosal surfaces. You do not inject the disease causing entity directly into the blood. That's why God gives you all the mucosal surfaces separated in order to process the antigen as it appears in nature. You don't inject in another human anything that is an injection: the vaccine has been called only an injection. D.T.A.P is diphtheria, pertussis acellular pertussis. Those were the very first vaccine court cases. You know, what created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was the recognition that if the pharmaceutical company Wyeth (Pfizer) had used the half Penny it cost to remove the cellular debris the mRNA DNA and protein from the cells they grew the Pertussis antigen in for the vaccine, if they had simply made it what they told you it was: a single entity, but you can't do that for a virus because your immune system will gobble that up, the minute it hits your surface your skin. They don't float through the air and all the games we play about. Oh, there's no such thing isn't a virus. You know that that was the PSYOP !

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