Dr. Kent Hovind's Science Class Ep 38 Questions & Answers Part 1

8 months ago

Original Title CSE 104 Class 8'' Topic questions and answers(2)

In this video Dr. Hovind goes over & answers several creation related questions.

Rough Video Timeline
Start - Fresh Dinosaur Bones
2:33 Where Are The Human Bones?
6:19 Where Did Noah Get The Pitch?
8:43 Was Ancient Man Primitive?
17:46 What About The Great Pyramid?
27:55 Was The Earth Ever A Hot Molten Mass?
31:59 Doesn’t The Green River Formation Prove The Earth Is Millions Of Years Old?
34:31 What About The Mars Rock?
38:45 What About Theistic Evolution?
44:40 Did The Pope Accept Evolution?
46:28 Are There Contradictions In The Bible?
1:10:19 Why The King James Version?

At 15:40 Dr. Hovind mentions a Disney production about the Golden ratio

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