Bill Gates on Epstein's list, Claudine Gay quit, Sudden Adult Deaths, KJP on Biden's great work

6 months ago

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Bill Gates was on Epstein's list so what happened and can he finally go to jail forever, how many things can he possibly get away with, when will enough be enough 🤔

Claudine Gay quit her job as Harvard president just six months into tenure, shortest tenure EVER 🤡

Sudden Adult Deaths is NOT NORMAL and We The People Of Earth deserve a Nuremberg 2.0, let "them" swing and show it to the World, the DEAD, May They All Rest In Peace and the HURT DESERVE JUSTICE 😥

Karine Jean Pierre gave an interview where of course she praised Biden's great work, he's done more than any other, she got that part right, Biden has wrecked America in such a way that deserves the charge, conviction, and sentence for HIGH TREASON 😡

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