These eight minutes, the person who understands spent more than ten years!

5 months ago

String burning song playlist:
2009- Only My Railgun - A Scientific Ultra Electromagnetic Cannon
2010- Love Story - Love Story
2011- Secret Base~Your Life~- Unknown Flower Name
2012-《 βίος》- The Crown of Evil
2013- Red Lotus's Bow and Arrow - Attack of Giants
2015- "My own ☆ めたるふぉーぜっ!" - Ganwu Mei Xiaobu
2016- A Previous Life - Your Name
2017- Fireworks - Fireworks
2018- Sincerely - Violet Eternal Garden
2019- カワキヲアメク - Family Has Girlfriend
2020 (2019) - Red Lotus Flower - Blade of Ghost Destruction
2021 Avid 86: Non existing theater of war
2022- Lonely Rock - Lonely Rock
2023- アイドル - My Recommended Children [Official MV]
"Buried Florian" - Anytime Anywhere
"The End of the Attack on Giants" - いっらっしゃい
Know a group of people because of the "anime", and love anime more because of a group of people. All encounters in the world are reunion after a long separation, even if we haven't truly met each other, perhaps in our dreams. After all, dreams are things that disappear when you wake up, blooming and leaping, while dragging slender and silky memories.

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