Article 4474 Video - "Federal Reserve" Factoids - Monday, November 13, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 4474 Video - "Federal Reserve" Factoids - Monday, November 13, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

It has been said, and quite rightly, that the Federal Reserve is as "Federal" as Federal Express.

The name has fooled generations of people into thinking that the Federal Reserve is part of the Federal Government, when it is not part of the Federal Government and never has been.

The Federal Reserve is and has always been a consortium of mostly foreign banks that loan credit to the Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia, based on assets that these Municipal Corporations and their franchises own or control at any given time.

The Federal Reserve launched its operations during The War of Independence to loan credit to both sides and functioned as a European Cheering Section intent on war-profiteering no matter how the conflict was resolved.

French banks operated by the Payseurs even made loans to the incipient American Government on behalf of George III, who was never one to miss out on an investment opportunity.

Once the war was over, the Federal Reserve settled down to collect war reparations and recoup foreign loans plus interest--- and it has operated more or less in the same capacity ever since, even though its members have changed and fluctuated over the years, with most of the big, especially private, European Banks being represented at one time or another.

The debts owed to the Europeans were paid off during the Andrew Jackson Administration, which created no end of consternation, because the Federal Reserve had lost its reason for being.

It was this sorry turn of events that caused the erstwhile central bank members of the Federal Reserve to engage in a concerted effort to redefine the debtors: having lost their grip on The United States of America, Unincorporated, they turned their attention to the British Territorial United States Government operating as "the" United States of America, Incorporated, and hit pay dirt.

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