A Prayer to Receive Grace

1 year ago

Allowing in Receiving GRACE feel along with me for this activation in yourself:
This is a prayer and meditation to allow and activate the state of grace within us.
The process includes spaces for you to experience within yourself the shifts, as you allow your consciousness to be activated.

It is very much easier to achieve a certain inner state when you have someone who is doing that with you.

Calling all listeners! If you would like be my next investigation partner- a la Kari Star, please message me in the comments and I will consider your application. It would be for a period of two months, so that we can go in-depth into some interesting areas and cost £1000 or $1300 for eight personal investigations. That is a whopping 8 x 60 minutes of personal spiritual investigations!
( With Kari, we looked at aspects of her youth, her profession, her business plan, her spiritual and energetic rejuvenation, healing specific issues in the world and many more….you would be welcome to suggest the areas you would like clarity in.) My invitation to participate in your spiritual growth


Please feel free to donate here via XRP to my wallet address


37365 is the destination tag

“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”

You can message me on this page http://www.inspirition.biz/energising-human-potential.html using the email box if you would like to engage in one of these sessions yourself- to expand your tools, your awareness or to re-activate something specific. I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £30 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.

Below is the link to my INSPIRITION music :


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