| Borders, Trafficking & Patriot Action

6 months ago

Host: Leticia Victoria Perkins
Award-Winning Executive Producer: Eric Williamson
Sound Engineer: Steve Palmer
Guest: Johnathon Alexander-Live Border News

In this podcast episode, the host, Jonathan Townsend Alexander, begins by discussing live border news and their coverage of events on the southern border. He mentions their efforts to combat child trafficking and criticizes the federal government for allegedly funding this issue. Jonathan claims to have evidence of Border Patrol corruption and collusion with cartels and No More Death Camp in Aribaque, Arizona.

The conversation then shifts to the need for action and collaboration to address the crisis at the border. Jonathan emphasizes the importance of focusing on human trafficking, which he sees as the number one problem in the United States. He highlights that it's not just about the border but also about the well-organized network involved in child trafficking.

The discussion touches on specific instances of child trafficking, such as a woman named Corinne repeatedly crossing the border with different groups of children and Border Patrol's alleged knowledge of her activities. They stress the importance of finding out where trafficked children end up and dismantling the cartels behind these operations.

Jonathan expresses concerns about the large amount of fentanyl entering the United States and speculates that it may be part of a plot for a mass terrorist attack. He also criticizes both political parties for not delivering on their promises once they're in office.

The conversation ends with a call to action, encouraging people to get involved, form volunteer groups, and make a difference in their communities rather than just discussing issues on social media.

Overall, this podcast episode covers a range of topics related to border news, child trafficking, and the need for grassroots action to address these complex issues.

Journalist: Johnathon Alexander
American press association

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