1:2/24 slowing down till you are in sync with God.❤️

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1/5/15 MMB "Slowing Down Until You Rest In Sync With God's Speed"
By Richard Gazowsky
I have been amazed at how many times God has spoken to me clearly to slow down. Many times it has nothing to do with the speed that I am actually going, but has to do with the spirit of anxiousness that is running super fast in my spirit. I have found that the quickest thoughts that jump into my mind are thoughts that are from my flesh not from the Spirit.
The thoughts of the flesh are very intelligent and clever. But to be honest with you, they are cunning in an evil way. Impulsive thoughts, that usually that are a reaction to shocking events, are clever in an evil way. Even when such words have come out of my own mouth, I am later stunned by their evil intent.
Yes, what I'm saying is that many times I have shocked myself by the bad things that I am willing to say when I'm not thinking about it. I'm just reacting to a negative occurrence. I've realized that I have to learn to wait upon the Lord for the Holy Spirit to prepare me to receive the wisdom from God. And sometimes that wisdom takes a little time ~ even days. No wonder the Bible talks about "bridling the tongue".
Bridling the tongue is many times an extremely difficult discipline to learn and allow to become part of your person. But it is definitely the key to godly wisdom. You need to allow yourself to be quiet for a moment and just listen to what is being said ~ even though it punches every single button in your personality that makes you want to react in an impulsive way! 
It has been amazing to me to meet many people who are on the top mark of their industry and yet they have never controlled their tongues. The impulses of their flesh are still in full working order. This also means that their influence becomes imitated by their working staff and by the people that collect around them.
Before you know it you've got an entire organization, church company ~ or even a national government that reflects the attitude and spirit of the ruling president. Just visit a Third World country where the ruler is dishonest, and you will see it all the way down to the gas station attendant or the simple peddler on the street. The ruler’s dishonesty is immediately reflected across the entire nation and actually becomes the spirit of that nation.
So it is with the church, so it is with a city, so it is with a company, so it is with any organization that links people together. This is why it is important for us to slow down as leaders and to perfect the skills of personal relationships ~ first with our families, then with our employees, and then with our working affiliations with businesses and entities that we associate with.
Take your time. When it comes to choosing a business relationship or partnership, pass it by the Lord, seek prophetic warnings and wisdom, listen and write down the dreams that God gives you. All of these spiritual methods are God helping you to become in sync. Slow down! Don't make a decision quickly, but instead flow with the Spirit.
Now I want to say something that almost seems like the reverse of what I just told you. When prophecies are fulfilled and the moment is right, then you must act quickly and make decisive decisions that flow together perfectly. At this point you flow in the Spirit because you are protected by the prophetic word that has prepared you for years for this decision at this exact time.
You can throw normal caution to the wind because the Spirit is guiding you in a spiritual whirlwind. At this point it’s important that you flow exactly with God's perfect will, and believe me, this year a lot of these "suddenlies" are going to happen to each one of you. That means you're going to have to ride the roller coaster with great fun and joy ~ laughing all along the way!
I give you these instructions as a friend who has learned to experience what God's prophetic will is in the field. It's going to happen fast and suddenly. But when it's not the fulfillment of some exact prophetic purpose, you need to be cautious and move slowly so that you can get in sync with God's will.

But getting in sync with God's will is more than just going slow. It is going with God’s divine rhythm and being in sync with His daily throbs of tenderness. The best way I have ever seen in my life to do this, is to pray every day without ceasing ~ constantly listening to the heartbeat of God.

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