Episode 1745: Is something Free worth anything?

9 months ago

So the title of this episode “Is something free with anything”? I mean everyone loves Free. If you want to get rid of something put “Free” on it. Why? Because things cost money and not too many essentials in our life are free. There is no free-living costs, food costs, utility costs and especially tax costs. Pay or hit the bricks.

I do these CR Episodes Free. Why do I do them at all? Am I feeding my ego or is there something else going on with the Free presentation? Well I hope after 1,745 episodes you will feel it is because of two things:
1. Through Gods grace he gave me the faith. That was freely given to me. I did not do anything to earn it. He gave it freely. Why is my faith different than that of my siblings? Gods grace.

2. Also because I truly love teaching the faith. I get such a great joy and reward to know that others can learn freely from the very grace God gave me freely. If only one person turns back to Christ because of these episodes and either learns their faith for the first time or comes back to the faith it is truly a microphone dropping moment. Christ is saying do not just stand there do something with what I gave you freely.

I can go out and make money or be able to buy something, but it truly is nothing to me. Why? Because it will not add a single moment to my redemption or salvation.
Seeing what has been freely given requires it to be freely given away. He love the world so much he gave his only begotten son FREELY

But if you really stop and think about are not the most valuable things in our life truly free?
I mean God the Father in his great wisdom created Angels and gave them a free will. Although they are the closest thing to God and are 100% spiritual they were allowed to chose due to their free will and we know Lucifer one of the brightest of the Angels chose to reject God. Then God decided to make man, and this was 100% human with only the great intellect but still 100% Free will. Knowing that and would not have the spiritual ability innate in the angels he really wanted to know what they would do with out that constant exposure to him.
Lucifer hated that and because extremely jealous of that and though why would God do that he had a great thing going did he not. I mean really stop and think about it. If God would not have told the Angels he would create man Lucifer would have had no reason to rebel. He would not have had to serve Man. His pride got the best of him.
But Angels were not God and so God mixed it up to test even them and many fell because of it.
But lets walk down this road of free a little bit more.
Why were there so many songs referring to free as we were growing up.

"I Want to Break Free" by Queen
"Free Bird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd
"Free Ride" by The Edgar Winter Group
"I'm Free" by The Who
"Set Me Free" by The Kinks
"Born Free" by Matt Monro
But my very favorite is the Beatle song "Money (That's What I Want),

The best things in life are free
But you can keep them for the birds and bees
Now give me money (that is what I want)
That is what I want (that is what I want)

But how did God the Father use free?

Creation: God is considered the Creator of the universe, and the beauty and diversity of the world are seen as gifts from Him. The Earth, with its resources, ecosystems, and the entirety of creation, is considered a manifestation of God's generosity.

Life: Christians believe that God is the giver of life. Human life, in particular, is considered a precious gift from God. The ability to experience existence, to love, learn, and grow is viewed as a divine blessing.

Free Will: Many Christian traditions emphasize the gift of free will, the capacity for humans to make choices and decisions. While this gift comes with moral responsibility, the ability to choose is seen as a reflection of God's respect for human autonomy.

Grace: In Christian theology, grace is often understood as God's unmerited favor and love extended to humanity. It is seen as a free gift that cannot be earned through human efforts. God's grace is believed to be the source of salvation and forgiveness.

Salvation through Jesus Christ: According to Christian beliefs, God freely offered salvation to humanity through the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This act is seen as a gift of love and redemption, providing a way for humans to be reconciled with God.

Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit, considered the third person of the Holy Trinity, is believed to be a gift from God to guide, empower, and comfort believers. The presence of the Holy Spirit is seen as a constant source of divine assistance in the Christian journey.

These gifts are often viewed as expressions of God's love and generosity, freely given to humanity out of His benevolence and grace. Christians are encouraged to respond to these gifts with gratitude, faith, and a life aligned with God's teachings.
But how do we view Free?
Well we discussed God the Father but how about Christ?
Salvation: The central message of Christianity is that through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, salvation is offered to humanity as a free gift. Christians believe that Jesus' sacrifice on the cross serves as atonement for sin, providing a way for believers to be reconciled with God and receive eternal life.

Forgiveness: Christ's teachings emphasize the importance of forgiveness, and Christians believe that through His sacrifice, individuals can receive forgiveness for their sins. This forgiveness is seen as a free gift extended by God's grace and mercy.

Grace: Grace, in Christian theology, is often defined as God's unmerited favor. It is believed that through Jesus Christ, God extends grace to humanity, offering love, forgiveness, and salvation freely, without individuals having to earn or deserve it.

Access to God: Christians believe that through Jesus, believers have direct access to God the Father. The concept of a personal relationship with God, made possible through Christ, is considered a gift that is freely available to all who believe.

The Holy Spirit: Christians believe that, after His resurrection, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to dwell within believers. The Holy Spirit is seen as a guide, comforter, and source of empowerment. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is considered a free gift to aid Christians in their journey of faith.

Eternal Life: The promise of eternal life with God in heaven is viewed as a free gift of grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Christians believe that, through Christ, believers have the hope of life beyond death and the assurance of spending eternity in the presence of God.

The concept of receiving these gifts freely emphasizes the grace and unmerited favor extended to believers by God. Christians are encouraged to respond to these gifts with faith, gratitude, and a commitment to follow the teachings of Jesus.
So although the Beatles said, “Give me money that’s what I want” We as Catholic’s having to take the most prized free gift that Christ gave us and that is to choose through the gift of his father, whether we will use our free will and follow his mystical body and all his teaching and chose him. Truly chose him in 2024. But since you have free will “You Decide”

So go out there and doing something for someone else that is truly a free expression of your free will and convert them at no charge.
God Bless and Good Day.

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