MONEY over what matters, we choose Jesus, the choose money. 1/2/24

11 months ago

Back to our word, "accountable", these traitors are VERY ACCOUNTABLE but NOT TO US. They are accountable to the CCP and if they expect to get paid big bucks, they must "produce" for the Communist Chinese leaders and as the money gets filtered down through what I like to think of as a "weaponized pyramid scheme" of financial payment. As I lived in Beijing from 1985 all the way to 2019, I saw many ways the CCP weaponized many things, good, bad, and ugly can all be weaponized to contribute to the CCP's plans to destroy who they deem and enemy or a potential threat to their autocratic dictatorship. For the pitiful traitors like the Clintonistas, the BO's and traitor Joe and his lowlife family members, its all about MONEY. That's it, nothing more, just plain MONEY but we know LOT'S OF IT. Keep praying for EXPOSURE.
Naples, Florida 1/2/24 For us at the ME Foundation, it is all about JESUS.

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