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Truth Bomb Tuesday 1.2.24

1 year ago

U.S Chamber of Commerce partners up with AFL-CIO for 2020 election.

The local chamber cabal in Hampton.
Justice 4 All with Jocelyn at 8pm
Guests Daniel Richard & Regina Barnes

The NH ballot box game is still in place.

The UN is in NH cities & towns.

#barnes4nh #nhmuckraker


  • 0/2000
  • Do you and Dan Richard understand that voting for any (D), (R) or (Esq) is treason against yourself (and the rest of us)? These people are all enemies of We the People by virtue of the fact that none of them will do or say anything to remove enemies known as attorneys from our government. When Dan appeals to enemy attorneys pretending to be justices on the NH Supreme Court corporation, he is committing treason by giving aid and comfort to those enemy attorneys. He is giving up his (and our) position as the highest authorities to those enemy attorneys and giving them permission to make rulings on matters that can only be ruled on by We the People, the highest authorities. This is impprtant. If you don't understand, please ask questions. I have tried to teach Dan about Law but he doesn't seem to be able to learn. Attorneys do not practice Law; they practice deception and subversion. Attorneys were barred from practicing their deranged version of Law by the Declaration of Independence and by the original 13th amendment. We the People are the only ones who have the authority to issue edicts that are Law. We can delegate this to elected servants but We can not delegate it to any attorneys. That would be treason, and insanity.