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AWAKE the IRON Featuring Dustin Nemos

1 year ago

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AWAKE the IRON welcomes Dustin Nemos “The most censored journalist” who joins C.J. and I to discuss NASA fakery, scientism, heliocentrism, Biblical cosmology, the “seed war” of Genesis, prophecies, and more. Slather on the lip balm because we are about to drink from a firehose.

Source: Awake the Iron

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  • 0/2000
  • Trying to explain the moon is going to be impossible. Our God created that moon and the sun and Earth and everything else in existence as well. The amazing power and ability he has to do these things are truly unexplainable. But you can bet your life he created literally everything.

  • A person has to be a semite in order for criticism against them to be called anti-semitic. Rev 2:9 Jews are not of the tribe of Shem, and not Semites.

  • That wave going across the moon that Crow 777 took a video of was real. But it’s because of the ether which is a very dense vapor. You can look into it but Pastor Dean Odle explains it very well. He actually did an 8 video Flat Earth series that’s on his YouTube channel and his website deanodle.org. He has mountains of evidence that he brings out and explains. You should check it out. He even has declassified government documents from several governments that prove flat earth. He’s also gone out and physically done his own test and proved the earth is flat. It’s an amazing series of videos. Well worth watching.

  • Dustin Flat Earth Dave has a pic of the crescent moon where you can actually see Mars through the moon where the rest of the moon should be. You can see a red dot there. He and Pastor Dean Odle has video of the moon where you can see air bubbles floating across the full moon. Dean said that’s because of the ether that the moon is in. Which is below the firmament. It’s absolutely incredible! There’s also pics of the sun sitting in the clouds with clouds behind it. This is because the sun is local and not millions of miles away. Nobody can get past the firmament never have never will. Until they die that is. You should check out some of the near death experience stories on YouTube. They are so amazing the things these people see and green and go through when this happens. This 1 lady was taken up through a whole in the firmament after the angels took her from where her body was and floated her way up into the sky and took her north east for a long time before they took her straight up through a hole that opened up. Where she was then in a completely different place.

  • Television .. let's break that down. I have an idea .. a vision. I convey that idea/vision. Verbally I TELL it. Thus TELL-A-VISION. Jokes on us n it's part of the talmudic humiliation ritual.

  • folks are claiming the picture in the office was taking on Apollo 8

    1 like
  • Thanks for having Dustin on. He always has a lot to say!

    1 like
  • Another version of CJ's comment: You don't have to know what the whole truth is to know that THIS is not the truth. It applies to everything. Investigators don't start their investigations after they know the truth. They start with almost no information, gather facts and data, and try to figure out what the truth is. Often they are able to cross certain possibilities off the list as they go, but they don't necessarily solve everything. Same with flat/true earth. We don't have to know exactly what the truth is to know that it's NOT a globe.

    1 like
  • Why does the moon only light up on the side that's facing the sun?

  • Dustin, there's something wrong with your audio equipment. In this video, not so much, videos that's only you, there is an annoying buzzing noise. You must have heard it too. It is painful listening to you for a couple hours with that noise.

  • I love this…

  • it does appear they have some japhet in them, probably why that son of Noah is forgotten

  • why not here, why does everyone try to send folks to another place to "talk"

  • excellent

  • What do you mean by “wake the iron”?