On The Fringe - 1.2.24 - 2024 Is The Year We Change The World - No Ads!

6 months ago

I like Dan from On The Fringe a lot. I’m a fan. What I offer here is the latest episode without ads and edited down to only the most important info - IMHO. Enjoy! ;-)

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On The Fringe - 1.2.24 - 2024 Is The Year We Change The World - No Ads!
This episode description:
This year will be a year to remember. Let's suck it up and keep taking steps forward together folks. We're too far along now to turn back and there is no way we survive if we just stay here. Thank you each for fighting this fight with me, we could not do this without each other.
On The Fringe Channel: https://rumble.com/c/OnTheFringe

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