Armageddon - Dolby - The Gate to the Mind's Eye - opening

1 year ago

Fabulous CGI work from the 90s - Dolby did the entire soundtrack with some amazing tunes sync'd to various companies promotional videos made into an coherent audio/visual wonder for that era. Watch in full screen! And CRANK it til your neighbors come out of their houses wondering WTF is going on! :0
I rented the VHS tape several times and was amazed.
I first saw it on a Laser Disc with a higher resolution monitor, 1080p was still being developed. VHS copies degraded the original video quality.
The entire movie is posted way back in my pages...15-16? cant search own channel for some reason and too lazy to go look :)
--check out the credits if you watch it.


Inamoena tempora!
Bella ecce barbara!
Deuruntur oppida

[Wonderful times!
Behold the barbarous bells!
The towns were taken]


Tument nubes hodie
Atrae atro sanguine
Perditos O homines!

[Clouds swell today
Dark with dark blood
O lost people!]


Dies irae iruit
Nostrum nunc in mundum, et
Vitam totam destruit

{The day of wrath came
Ours now into the world, and
It destroys the whole life]


Child of the revolution
Victim of thought pollution
Showtime for good and evil
No time for restitution
No time for absolution
Showdown for good and evil


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