A prison on Earth

9 months ago

After 15 years of going down numerous rabbit holes, I have come to the conclusion that this realm is hell and we are ruled by incarnated demonic beings. Everything in this reality is backwards.

A Prison on Earth: Beyond The New World Order -

In the shadows of other dimensions, there lays a nefarious force waging war upon humans for millennia from the space between spaces - a dark force that governs not just our thoughts and actions but our very souls.

The very advent of time began the slave master hierarchy between us and those unseen forces behind our every action and thought.

They built and created "rules" and systems of thought, created kingdoms and spawned religions used to rule the masses from afar by controlling the ebb and flow of space and time on an epic level.

Under the guise of "free will" and "individualism" the systems in place around us actually ensure that we have no choice but to comply and obey an underlying agenda that at its core is evil, and have been put in place by beings that feed and are nurtured by the control they maintain over planet Earth.

If You're Not Ready To Question EVERYTHING, You're Not "Awake." Period.
We live and die in a world of lies.
We have all been lied to from cradle to grave.
What if you woke up one morning, say this morning, with the crazy
notion that everything you had ever been told was a lie? Everything you
were taught in school, from your parents, from religion, and from TV was a
form of deception? That all the systems you trusted, that you believed were
created for your best interest, were false? A calculated series of lies
designed as a type of control mechanism, to keep you and everyone, under
the spell of the wizards who control this realm. What if you found that
even all the areas that seem designed to assist you, such as religion,
spirituality, or self-help, were all part of the deception as well?

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