5 months ago

During their performance for ABC's annual Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve on Sunday, Green Day frontman Billie Joe Armstrong changed the lyrics to one of the bands hits, American Idiot, to target Donald Trump and his millions of supporters.

The move caused many to accuse the iconic rock group of ditching their punk roots to parrot the establishment's position.

While on stage at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles, the rock group inserted "I'm not a part of the MAGA agenda," in place of the original, "I'm not a part of the redneck agenda."

In footage of the concert, a small cheer can be heard emanating from the crowd after Armstrong belts out the anti-Trump lyrics. When the clip was posted to X the reactions started pouring in While some were supportive of the change, many called Green Day out for denegrating perhaps the largest political movement in the country.

Citizen Free Press said the lyric swap was proof that Armstrong was "not a punk rocker but just another tired, listless vessel for the corporate political agenda."

Rage against the machines and now punk music crossing over to corporate, eitist, globalist agenda. Never thought I’d see the day," another user lamented.

Their sentiments were shared by many, one of whom called Green Day's actions nothing more than "rage on behalf of the machine."

"We used to have proper rock bands," he added, harkening back to a time when acts who called themselves rock or punk would bash the establishment, not shill for it.

This is not the first time Green Day has taken aim at Trump. Following his arrest in August, the band sold t-shirts featuring his iconic mugshot with the word "nimrod" written in a circle covering his face. They donated the proceeds of all sales to charity.

"I love Green Day as much as the next guy, but doesn't anyone find it bizzare how they're so open about politics even tho they have no clue what it's like to be an average American nowadays," one user wrote in response to their Instagram post at the time.

"These guys are Californians who've been filthy rich since the 90's and have never experienced a true middle class struggle so not sure why they think they're opinion is relevant."

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