itler sent representatives to Taiwan to have Ko Wen-je and Hou Yu-ih jointly defeat Lai Ching-te

8 months ago

12/31/2023 【Miles Insight】Changdao Brother: Xitler has sent his representatives to Taiwan, aiming to forge an alliance between Ko Wen-je and Hou Yu-ih to defeat Lai Ching-te. The NFSC's fellow fighters within the CCP system have revealed that Xi Jinping issued internal orders for the PLA to be ready to strike Taiwan at any time.
#MilesGuo #NFSC #TakedowntheCCP #Taiwan
12/31/2023 【Nicole看七哥】长岛哥:习特勒已派代表去台湾让柯文哲和侯友宜联手以干掉赖清德。新中国联邦中共体制内战友爆料近平已在内部下令解放军做好随时和台湾作战的准备。
#郭文贵 #新中国联邦 #消灭中共 #台湾

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