What Are Symptoms of Parasite Infection?

1 year ago

When you look at the long list of parasite symptoms, it can be surprising. Lots of us have lots of these symptoms.
We may be going to the doctor for help with a few of the symptoms. But the doctors don’t connect the dots to consider they may all be sourced in parasite infection.
Here are just a few symptoms from the long list of parasite symptoms:
Abdominal pain or discomfort
Air hunger
Autoimmune disease
Bed-wetting (kids)
Bladder inflammation
Chronic fatigue
Just consider all the prescriptions, over-the-counter meds, surgical procedures and misery we endure. Most of the Big Pharma resources only help to quell the symptoms, not cure them. Parasite CLEANSE treatments could possibly be the solution needed instead!
Which of these symptoms do you experience?
CLEANSE: Parasite Basics will give you the long list of symptoms.
Remember, 70-90 percent of Americans have internal parasites. Do You?
Grab the ebook for free to see the long list of symptoms that can be tied to parasites.

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