Karmic Changes Energy Vlog

1 year ago

Karmic Changes Energy Vlog title is from the date January 1, 2024, thus #10 the wheel of Fortune card, with its Kamic change or big changes.
The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News Site showed us two amplitudes The first amplitude power of 14 at 12:15 PM UTC, thus we have the

Virgo Moon times the Sun in Capricorn,T Square Chiron the wounded healer in Aries and trines Uranus in Taurus The big amplitude was a power of 19 at 8:00 PM UTC, thus we have strength from the Sun with a Class X CME fortunately not directly at us. Speaking of Direct Mercury is going there today. The quality power of 16 the Tower card structure coming down swiftly. The Frequency average is 7.72 hertz, we get 16 the Tower again a lightning swift change to your source.
The Wisdom of the Hidden Realms Oracle deck gave us two cards. The Well Watcher card wisdom power of the Divine. Then we had Sisters of the Seasons card, Cycles of growth, invoke natural law and pray for Divine order.
I shared a bit of Jsnp and woo woo dude talk on UN troops as a 5th column in the USA.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure New site:
Space Weather News site:
Jsnp and Woo woo Dude rumble video:

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