The Russia-China Compact and Why Ukrainian Support Must Continue (23 min. excerpt)

6 months ago

Trevor Loudon is a New Zealand author, speaker, political activist, blogger, and investigative journalist. He was Vice President of ACT New Zealand, a classical liberal and right-libertarian political party from 2006 to 2008.

Loudon is the author of five self-published books on U.S. politics, and was featured in a 2016 documentary titled Enemies Within. He also founded the website, a wiki-format project, which contains articles on left-wing and centre-left political groups, primarily in the United States and lists the names of their members.

Louden believes that Russia and China are funding Iran and are behind both military attacks of Ukraine and Israel, and in order to contain Russia and prevent World War 3, Ukraine must win their war with Russia. Louden says that the U.S. must continue to support Ukraine based on the commitments made in the Budapest Memorandum. Louden states that the 4 centers of evil responsible for the wars today are Moscow, Beijing, Tehran and Washington DC.

This is an excerpt of the Connecting the Dots podcast dated December 26, 2023 with Dan Happel. To listen to the entire podcast, click the link below.

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