Biden's Brain Turns to Mush During New Year's Eve Appearance With Ryan Seacrest

1 year ago

A new year is upon us, but instead of allowing America to enter it in peace, Joe Biden decided to make one final appearance to remind us all how terrible the last one was. Appearing with Ryan Seacrest, who was doing the live program for ABC News from Times Square, Biden's brain quickly turned to mush under the most basic questioning. At one point, he was asked what his favorite memories and highlights of 2023 were, which prompted him to talk about how jobs were shipped overseas. Don't try to figure it out. It's easier that way. -- Ryan Seacrest asks Joe Biden about his favorite "memories" of 2023. Biden’s reply: "So many people through the Midwest & in the center of the country, their factories were shipped overseas the last couple times out…" Scary. Biden’s brain is pudding.

Jill Biden's discomfort is obvious as she gives a deep sigh halfway through his answer and turns to glare at him momentarily. I would assume this was a rehearsed answer that he went in on even though it didn't fit what he was asked. That's one of the results of having a president who can't do something as simple as a light-hearted New Year's Eve spot without canned responses. He looks so inauthentic because he is. I mean, come on. Who needs notecards to answer softballs from Ryan Seacrest for a few minutes? This is supposed to be one of the most capable men on the planet filling the most important job in politics. But hey, at least he likes ice cream.

• More at: RedState - Biden's Brain Turns to Mush During New Year's Eve Appearance With Ryan Seacrest

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