Clifford Coonan: Argentina Is As Much Looking Towards the US as It Is Turning Away From China

8 months ago

12/27/2023 DW China analyst Clifford Coonan: I think Argentine President Javier Milei is as much looking towards the US as it is turning away from China. Argentina is pulling out of this traditional sphere of influence that the CCP is trying to build up at the moment, it has quite serious ramifications for Beijing
12/27/2023 《德国之声》中国分析师克利福德·库南:我认为阿根廷总统哈维尔·米莱会疏远中共国并亲近美国。阿根廷正在退出中共目前正试图建立的传统影响力范围,这对北京有极其严重的影响。

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