23. piezo-electrical biomedical networks: part 2: physical control of the mind

6 months ago

00:00:35 Jose Delgado
00:02:00 Walter Ruldolf Hess
00:06:58 Comatose states: Sarah Scantlin (1966-2016), Bret Ellis Bowman (1965-2004)
00:10:33 Delgado, Physical Control of the Mind (1969)
00:17:00 Historical Evolution of Physical Control of the Brain
00:19:50 experiments in physical control via brain stimulation begin about 1800
00:26:40 cravings, forced relapses
00:28:00 2014 opioid crisis
00:29:20 Olds effect and learning
00:33:44 "physical control of many brain functions is a demonstrated fact"
00:34:38 false accusations of mental illness are used to discredit victims of nonconsensual brain research
00:35:20 plausibility of biomedical implants used to control human behavior should not be at issue
00:38:44 fibrotic capsule
00:39:18 ring-shaped implants on back since 1970s
00:41:53 concealment of biomedical implants by family members
00:43:46 biomedical implants in animals
00:45:53 implants in human brains*
00:47:00 7/10/2018 https://youtu.be/pmEKnW3sOxA
00:48:14 three channel transdermal stimulator - no batteries, radio activated
00:48:40 ESB - electrical stimulation of brain
00:49:17 changes to eye pupil size - concealment by OHSU doctor
00:52:52 forcing a hand to make a fist
00:55:37 upcoming movie analysis : Barefoot In The Park (1967)
00:59:20 Chapter 14: Heaven & Hell Within The Brain
01:00:00 pain, torture, Kurt Cobain chronic stomach pain
01:01:00 back pain from biomedical torture
01:04:30 creating aggressive responses in cats
01:05:05 changing social behavior, creating aggression in monkeys
01:06:00 exploiting altered states (my observations)
01:08:50 concealment of biomedical murder by first responders, coroners (my observations)
01:10:00 biomedical implants are both the crime, and the means of concealing the crime
01:17:00 anxiety
01:19:50 OHSU medical records fabrications re: mental health
01:22:00 adversarial attitude of OHSU
01:23:00 wirelessly stimulating thalamus to create and control anxiety (1950s)
01:27:00 Olds Effect, Nature, Nov 17, 1962 (Deutsch)
01:33:00 effects of stimulating amygdala
01:36:30 physical condition of brain creating (or mitigating) extreme behaviors
01:38:30 stimoceivers in patient with brain injury
01:46:00 manufacturing aggression

* if I am correct, as I believe that I am, that piezo-electrical biomedical implants have been in use, covertly, since at least the 1940s, including in such ways so as to create adverse mental states and behavior regulation issues, it is possible that these psychiatric patients were disturbed because they had already been subjected to covert biomedical brain experiments - and had been, from childhood - simply used as experimental lab rats - as I and almost everyone around me seems to have been. In other words, what may have looked like benevolent (if nonconsensual) therapeutic human-subject experimentation may have been anything but.

"...predictable behavioral and mental responses may be induced by direct manipulation of the brain" (Delgado p 68)

"Autonomic and somatic functions, individual and social behavior, emotional and mental reactions may be evoked, maintained, modified, or inhibited, both in animals and in man, by electrical stimulation of specific cerebral structures. " (Delgado p 71)

"Physical damage, the loss of a beloved child, or apocalyptic disaster cannot make us suffer if some of our cerebral structures hae been blocked by anesthesia." (Delgado p 117)

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