Article 4460 Video - Controversy Regarding FBI Presence By Anna Von Reitz

5 months ago

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Article 4460 Video - Controversy Regarding FBI Presence - Saturday, November 4, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

The traditional job of the FBI is to police the international jurisdiction between the States, a duty generally shared with the U.S. Marshals and our own Continental Marshals.

They are understood to be an in-country organization, while the CIA is focused on foreign outposts and offshore locations.

It should be understood that the FBI has been owned and operated by a specific parent umbrella corporation which recently underwent reorganization, causing considerable upheaval and confusion of mission directives and in-fighting of all kinds, at all levels, within the FBI and within the parent corporation.

This has been a recent enough upheaval that we are unprepared to speculate on exactly what the current mission and duties of the FBI might entail. Suffice it to say that they are and always have been a private incorporated law enforcement agency, similar to the Pinkertons, working for the foreign Municipal Corporations headquartered in the District of Columbia.

Initially, famously, they were hired as Hired Guns and worked with the Department of Justice to ride herd on interstate gangsters, smugglers, and crime bosses like Al Capone.

In more recent years their duty assignments have drifted toward collaborations with the DEA, DHS, and have focused more on drug smuggling, human trafficking, computer crimes, and terrorist activities.

The FBI has traditionally been staffed by Americans who adopted Federal citizenship as a condition of their employment. Because of their contracts with the Federal Subcontractors, they are generally thought of as Federal Civil Service providers, but are in fact not part of the Federal Government at all. They are part of the Federal Agency bureaucracy instead.

With respect to Americans their duties are technically limited to regulating interstate commerce involving the manufacture, sale, and transport of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms as strictly defined.

With respect to other Federal Dual Citizens, their duties may include investigating international crimes and enforcing international laws related to
any number of crimes.

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