Article 4453 Video - Slavery of the Mind - Friday, November 3, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

9 months ago

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Article 4453 Video - Slavery of the Mind - Friday, November 3, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

If you don't have confidence in my leadership and knowledge, just say so.

If you think the members of the TACT group are smarter, more "advanced" and more competent than me, don't beat around the bush, just come out and say so.

My position is, as shared with Kathy and Kimberly, that we need a different kind of leadership as a result of our government structure. We don't need more corporate executives at the helm, boosting sales and jockeying for positional authority, because in our government, positional authority doesn't exist.

Some people haven't been thoughtful enough to reason that out for themselves, or are so used to the authoritarian organizations they have belonged to from youth that they can't imagine any other way to be or operate.

Maybe I'm the "lone man out" standing for the spirit of the American Government as well as the structure of it.

Maybe all the rest of you are more comfortable with the familiar bonds of executive power telling you where you "fit" in the world, and directing your every thought and action according to a group-approved template, and maybe you actually don't want to launch into the strange new world your Forefathers bequeathed to you.

I am launching anyway. Even if all the rest of you "waive your estate" and bow knee to the Pope and the King, for me---- that ship has sailed. I am done with evil and done with modeling, promoting, or kissing up to executive power of any kind.

To me, "executive power" is always an inferior power based on force and lies and self. And today is the equivalent of the day when the Hebrews sought a human king and rejected the eternal rulership of the Creator.

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