RTG Radio/tv -24-7 News-End-Times=Tables-Flipping+Music=Good-News x Love=Truth!

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God works wonders, he has a bible for Americans.
The new message bible-clear as in Ezekiel 14-v 12-14
If the top three prophets were alive at that time , ( ... Our time & all of time after the flood I think... ) they would be the only ones saved from their own righteousness,even the their kids would not make it..this is the news your preacher wont tell you or what worse than the times of Sodom mean >> ?
..From the original Greek text=save your soul-hear or read it in 24 hours-watch your life get a solid purpose !!
Run to God...
No one wins a race walking-if your not on fire now you will be set ablaze in hell-only one way out is with Jesus and an army of angels to carry you on !
Angels are here to help us win the race ! We got a message from the arc Angel's with out their help we can not make it to our life missions...!

Our Angels told us if you do not talk ( pray for wisdom )to your angels you wont make it to heaven !
We must look for their numbers they give us to guide us to the narrow path-
Get 110% Sin free or as the book says, EZ-C14-MSG-BIBLE-
If God sent the top three Noah Job and Daniel- there righteousness would only save themselves , not even their own kids would make it .'
We beg you to feed the poor,help people who can never help you !
Trust in no man for their is no good men on earth ! #StepOne #Repent daily #Pray for wisdom on how to pray and never stop !
Pray do not stop they need to kill you before your saved!

We and you are -Destined for Greatness Meaning
A person is said to be “destined for greatness” if they are thought to have the capacity or aptitude to achieve great achievement or distinction in their life or work.
RTG-Radio-TV-A- Revelation -in-Truth-
Never take your Angels help for granted ..!
Inspired and protected by Arch Angel Michael
With His Army Of Angels here to save the lost sheep and wake up the cold..no one will stop us ! We won only problem is it is very few worse than the times of Noah = 8 of 100 million made it than...Or was it 8 of 1 million.?
Praying you get it right !
And pray for me no one is promised heaven !

Buy-Truth-Never-sell-it-Ezekiel-14 even if Noah, Daniel, and Job - the Big Three - were alive at the time, it wouldn't do the population any good. Their righteousness would only save their own lives.

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